CodingClasses.Online Privacy Policy

The Website located at (the “Website”) is operated by WEE CORP. (hereinafter may be referred to as “us,” “we,” and “our”). WEE CORP. has created this privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of our visitors and customers. WEE CORP. is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizing your need for appropriate protection and management of personally identifiable information you share with us (the phrases “personally identifiable information” and “personal information” may mean any information by which you, individually, can be identified, such as your name, address, telephone number, etc.). The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you when you visit our website how we use such information.


This Privacy Policy also governs the collection, use, transfer, and processing of your personal information. By using this Website, you consent to our Privacy Policy set out below. All terms not defined in this document have the meaning ascribed to in the Website Terms and Conditions of Use located at


WEE CORP. is a United States Corporation subject to the laws of the United States. The United States may not offer a level of privacy protection as great as that offered in other jurisdictions. Since our servers are located in the United States, your data may be transferred to, stored, or processed in the United States. By using our Services, you understand and consent to the collection, storage, processing, and transfer of your data to our facilities in the United States and those third parties we share your data with as described in this Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Use.


A Special Notice about Children

Children (under the age of 18) are not eligible to use the Website unsupervised, and we ask that children do not submit any personal information to us. If you are under the age of 18, you may only use this Website in conjunction with, and under the supervision of your parents or guardians.


Users Under 13 Years of Age

The Website is not directed to children under the age of 13.  We do not knowingly collect information, including Personal Information, from children or other individuals who are not legally able to use our Website and Services. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected Personal Information from a child under the age of 13, we will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data.  Contact us if you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 13, by writing to WEE CORP. at 261 N. University Drive, Suite 500, Plantation, FL 33324 or email us at By using the Services, you are representing to us that you are not under the age of 13.



In general, you may visit the Website without telling us who you are or revealing any of your personal information. There are two primary ways WEE CORP. will collect your personal information:


First, WEE CORP. may collect information submitted when registering for a program, creating a user account, completing our contact form, contacting us through our social media pages, sending us an email, telephoning us, or by subscribing to our news feed, including any personal information you submit. Whether or not you choose to provide personal information is entirely up to you.


Second, WEE CORP. may track the domain address from which you visit the Website through cookies (see “Cookies” Section below), analyze this data for trends and statistics, and use the information for internal marketing purposes. WEE CORP. will never sell your information to third parties.


The manner in which we will collect and use your information is set forth below. 


Collection and Use of Personal Information

We will collect all the information that you supply to us including personal information and personal messages you submit. The collection of this information enables us to provide you with the assistance, information, and content you have requested.  In furtherance of these objectives, WEE CORP. may collect the following personal information:


Contact Information: If you submit your name, email address, or any other personal contact information via our website or via email or other communication mechanism, then you are deemed to have given consent for us to use such information to contact you (“Contact Information”). 


Customer Information: We may record and retain records of your specific personal information including your contact information, your child’s information, and messages submitted to us through the our website or email or other communication mechanism (“Customer Information”). 


Statistical Information: We may gather statistical information from Website visitors and analyze this data for trends and statistics (“Statistical Information”).


Collected Information: Contact Information, Customer Information, and Statistical Information, and any information we may collect from you through the use of cookies (see “Cookies” Section below), or from our affiliates or from other parties or through any other means, shall collectively be referred to as (“Collected Information”).


Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation

We only collect Personal Information that is relevant for providing the Services. We process Personal Information in a way that is compatible with providing the Services or as otherwise authorized by you. We take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. 


Safe Harbor

WEE CORP. adheres to the U.S. safe harbor policy privacy principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. If you have any questions regarding this policy, write to us at WEE CORP., 261 N. University Drive., Suite 500, Plantation, FL 33324 or email us at



The Website may use cookie technology to improve the quality of your experience. A cookie is a small file that contains information sent by a website that is saved on your hard disk by your computer's browser. Cookies store information that a website may need in order to personalize your experience and gather Website statistical data. Any time you visit the Website to browse or to read or download information, cookies may collect and store the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet (for example,,, etc.); the Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access the Website; and the Internet address of the Website from which you linked directly to the Website. We may use this information to measure the number of visitors to areas of the Website, and to help us make the Website more useful and interesting to our visitors. We may use cookies to gather statistical information about the Website such as Website visiting patterns to help target advertisements based on User interests.


Some consumers may not know that cookies are being placed on their computers when they visit Websites. If you want to know when this happens, or to prevent it from happening, you can set your browser to advise you when a website attempts to place a cookie on your computer.


Do We Share Your Information?

We may only share your personal information with third-party independent suppliers for purposes of tracking information generated through the Website for marketing purposes. If we engage a third-party independent supplier, they will be obligated not to use or share your personal information for unauthorized purposes. 


We will never sell, rent, or lease your personal information to a third party.


WEE CORP. may use your Collected Information in the following ways:

Contact Information: We may use your Contact Information to provide information that you have requested, communicate with you regarding our services and/or programs, send you a requested publication, or send you our news articles as published if you have subscribed to our feed. Specifically, we may use your email address and phone number to contact you. 


Customer Information: Any Customer Information that you disclose to us may be used to provide our services and/or to respond to your inquiries submitted to us.


Statistical Information: We may use Statistical Information to help diagnose problems with and maintain our computer servers, to manage our website, and to enhance our Website and services based on the usage pattern data we receive. We may generate reports and analysis based on the Statistical Information for internal analysis, monitoring, and marketing decisions. We may provide Statistical Information to independent third parties for marketing purposes, but when we do so, we will not provide them with any personal information. 


Other Disclosures

We may also disclose your personal information to comply with a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or other legal process; to comply with legal, regulatory, or administrative requirements of any governmental authorities; to protect and defend WEE CORP., its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their officers, directors, employees, attorneys, agents, contractors, and partners, in connection with any legal action, claim, or dispute; to enforce the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website; to prevent imminent physical harm; and in the event that we find that your actions on the Website violate any laws.


We reserve the right to transfer your personal information to a third party in the event of a transfer of all or substantially all of WEE CORP. assets, provided that the third party agrees to adhere to the terms of this privacy policy. 


Opt Out

You may “Opt out” of having your personal information shared by providing us with written notice identifying which communications you choose not to receive by writing us at: WEE CORP., 261 N. University Drive., Suite 500, Plantation, FL 33324 or email us at


Data Retention

We will retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law.


Third-Party Hosting

We may contract with third parties to maintain and host the Website. Any information you submit to us, including personal information, may be placed, and stored on a computer server maintained by this third-party host. 


Website Technologies

WEE CORP. does not provide the technologies used to build this Website, and therefore, neither recommends nor endorses the same. Any information regarding identified technologies, including their capabilities, limitations, and applications, should be sought directly from their manufacturers. WEE CORP. hereby disclaims any rights to trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyrights, patents, domain names, or other intellectual property interests of third parties.


Links to Other Material

The Website may contain links to other Websites, including but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Venmo, and YouTube. These links and plug-ins are for your convenience. Websites linked to and from the Website are not necessarily under the control of WEE CORP., and WEE CORP. shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the content or privacy practices of any linked websites, or any link or linking program at any time. You should read and understand WEE CORP. policies with respect to such third-party links, as stated in the Terms and Conditions of the Website.



The Website uses commercially reasonable security measures to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control; however, no system is impenetrable. 

We use reasonable and appropriate physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect personal data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the nature of the Personal Information and risks involved in processing that information.


Privacy Rights Notice to California Residents

The State of California enacted the Shine the Light law (California Civil Code Section 1798.83) that permits users who are California residents to request certain information regarding the disclosure of certain “personal information” during the past year for marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us using our contact form or alternatively write to us at WEE CORP., 261 N. University Drive., Suite 500, Plantation, FL 33324 or email us at


Effective Date and Changes

This privacy policy is effective as of January 01, 2024.  WEE CORP. reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our business, the Website or Services, or applicable laws. The revised Privacy Policy will be effective as of the published effective date.



©2024 Coding Classes

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261 N. University Dr., Plantation, FL 33324  *  954-932-7473  *

We need your consent to load the translations

We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.